Friday, August 14, 2009


in my efforts to get this house turned into not just a home, but our home, i have not forgotten that there is a countdown underway. t minus 5 weeks and counting until #3 makes his appearance, if all goes as planned.

needless to say, the timing of all of this has left me little choice as to what room comes next in my decorating plans...

the nursery...

if you want, i'll give you a guided tour...the crib/changer combo thingy is the same one that we used for the twins...nothing fancy, which is good, because they chewed that baby up once they started getting teeth. but you can't even tell from this angle, thankfully. mobile and bumper pad(s) (that's actually 2, one on the inside so the baby can see the pretty stuff, one on the outside so i can) are also hand-me-downs from thing 1 & thing 2. their room ended up mostly red in the long run, this one i'm shooting for brown, blue, & white, in case you couldn't tell. curtains were some extra brown fabric i had from a valance i made for the master bedroom in the old house plus some cute checked stuff & trim to make it all come together. don't know how well you can see, but wrapped around that lamp cord is some leftover checked material from the curtains. i call it a "cord cozy" and the hubs calls it an "eyesore." oh, well. it's better than extra cord all over the place & he hasn't found it so offensive that it's been removed yet. that rocker in the corner is as old as dirt, has been recovered a million times, and is still the comfiest thing i've ever sat in. star pillow on the w picked it up on a trip through babies r us & wouldn't put it down. it happened to match, so i bought it.

here's another angle. those bookshelves, much like the ones in the twins' room, are hand-me-downs from eons ago (except these are actually real wood). i think they belonged to my dad before he married my mom. a fresh coat of paint, and voila! perfect for the baby's room. all 3 lamps in the room were cheapies from wally world whose shades i added cute things to.

i still have some organization to do (the closet, for example, is nowhere near photo ready), but i think i'm getting there...

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